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Im SEA LIFE Hannover erleben Besucher*innen auf einer Reise in die beeindruckenden
Unterwasserwelten zwischen Leine und tropischen Gewässern eine beeindruckende
Artenvielfalt. Klein und Groß können zusätzlich zu einer aufregenden Expedition in die
faszinierende Welt des Regenwaldes aufbrechen und viel Wissenswertes über diesen
besonderen Lebensraum und seine exotischen Bewohner erfahren.


At SEA LIFE Hanover visitors of all ages will discover amazing underwater worlds. On an
exciting journey from the springs of the Leine River to the depths of tropical seas, magical
sea creatures and their habitats can be admired in various themed areas. Additionally,
visitors can take part in a thrilling expedition into the fascinating rainforest and learn lots of
interesting facts during the daily feeding shows and lectures. Impressive turtles, a
sensational Cuban crocodile, jelly fish, sea horses and many more are waiting to be

Good To Know

SEA LIFE Hanover is located directly in the Herrenhausen Gardens Hanover.

Public parking spaces and a multi-storey car park are nearby. There are many ways to get to SEA LIFE Hanover, we recommend public transport.

Additional Details & FAQ

Access Information

SEA LIFE Hanover is barrier-free and has an elevator that makes all levels accessible. Of course, there is also a corresponding toilet that can be used with a wheelchair. The observation tower in the rainforest is unfortunately not accessible for wheelchair users.

All visitors with a "B" in their handicap ID can bring an accompanying person free of charge. A ticket is required for yourself. You can buy this with our online discount in the online shop. Please reserve a time slot for your accompanying person.


Cancellation Policy

No refunds or exchanges after purchase 

Where Do I Go

SEA LIFE Hannover
Herrenhäuser Str. 4a
30419 Hannover

From €19.00