Important Notice

Due to the rapid increase in Covid-19 cases, many West-End shows are cancelling performances at very short-notice. If your enquiry relates to you wishing to exchange your booking as one of your party has Covid-19:

Please choose from subject/form below with the heading of "COVID-19: One of my party/ I have received a positive Covid test result"
Please note: Refunds will not be available. We may be able to exchange your tickets for another performance but we cannot guarantee this.

Queries regarding shows cancelled by the venue:

Please be assured that we will email you to let you know if your show has been cancelled just as soon as we are advised by the venue. We will also provide a link for you to book the show again further in the future - or to buy a gift card if the booking was a present.

We will automatically provide a refund of the ticket-price once we receive the funds back from the venue. If you purchased ticket protection this is a non refundable item, the refund will not include that amount . This can take up to five weeks. Please don’t worry - we have a well-established cancellation process in place and there is no need to email our team again.

Due to the high volume of shows being cancelled our team is very busy so please bear with us and we appreciate your patience and support. In the unlikely event you do not hear from us then please choose from subject/form below with the heading of "COVID-19: I haven't received any information"

For general enquiries:

Please choose from subject/form below with the heading of "Other Enquiries"

Due to the enormous number of customer emails and the festive holidays - we are prioritising these enquiries by performance date. Be assured that we will get back to you as quickly as possible – just not as quickly as we would normally.

From The Box Office is owned and operated by Ingresso (, a ticketing technology company based in London, UK.

We are part of accesso Technology Group (, a publicly listed technology company based in the UK.

Our full address is: Unit 5, The Pavilions, Ruscombe Business, Reading, RG10 9NN

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